
Piggy Bank Icon 125px by 125px

404% Increase in Revenue

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119% Increase in Revenue YoY

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Secured Over 250 Content Placements


A popular fashion accessories brand was unhappy with their current agency, as they felt their affiliate program was lacking innovation and opportunities to scale. This marketer decided to shift their affiliate program management to Perform[cb] Agency in an effort to evolve their campaign strategy and find areas for improvement.


Upon joining Perform[cb] Agency, this marketer voiced an interest in wanting to grow their affiliate program and find new opportunities to scale with innovative strategies. The Agency team took a full-funnel approach when recruiting and onboarding new partners to ensure the brand’s target audience would not only become familiar with the brand and engage but also ultimately convert and drive increased customer lifetime value. Over time, the team recruited strategic partners such as deal and loyalty sites, influencers, content aggregators, and “shop now, pay later” publishers. Additionally, over the past few years, this marketer has secured placements and been featured by top content publishers such as Vogue, Buzzfeed, E! Online, Healthline, Rolling Stone, CNN, and more. 


Just one year after joining Perform[cb] Agency, this popular fashion accessories brand saw a 119% increase in revenue. The Agency team continued to make dedicated partner recruitment and high-quality partnerships with top publishers a high priority to ensure the consistent growth of the program. Since joining the Agency team, this marketer has secured over 250 high-quality content features and placements. This popular fashion marketer has achieved a 404% increase in total revenue growth in its four years with Perform[cb]. The Agency team is eager to continue scaling with this longstanding client while maximizing the reach and return of their affiliate program.