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Ignite OPM’s CJU 2018 Recap

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Ignite OPM has been attending Commission Junction University (CJU) as a premier affiliate partner for well over 10 years. As an exclusive invite-only event, CJU has proven to be one of Ignite’s most highly anticipated conferences every year. Ignite OPM Media Manager, Alex Howell, attended this year’s show in Santa Barbara, CA. Alex was able to gather some great intel from this year’s show, including industry insights, upcoming trends, and more. Read on to learn what the word was at CJU 2018!

Regional Expansion

Publishers are looking to expand internationally, specifically into the Asia-Pacific region. This not only means growth for publishers but additional distribution for advertisers. This is exciting news for Ignite and other agencies within the affiliate space. Many current publishers are operating within U.S. and European borders. Although language barriers can sometimes be an obstacle when crossing into the APAC region, publishers are embracing this expansion. Publishers feel this can provide more opportunities for their advertiser partners.

Content Sites

Many large content sites are starting to expand into the affiliate channel. With content sites being a hot topic of conversation for advertisers, this movement is extremely encouraging. Content sites can oftentimes be difficult to access due to their exclusivity and expensive promotional costs. Their openness to fill their content calendars with affiliate promotions helps increase content sites bottom lines while helping increase advertiser exposure. Content sites are protecting themselves from advertiser restrictions by allowing their editorial teams to continue to maintain full control over what they write, regardless of affiliate partnerships.

Exclusive Offers

Publisher partners are requesting exclusive offers from advertisers as a way to continue to differentiate themselves. As every sector of the affiliate marketing space continues to innovate the way they produce and promote content, exclusive offers between partners are the next logical step toward increasing affiliate partnerships within the content space.

CJU always creates great opportunities to connect with familiar and new members of the affiliate marketing community and this year was no exception. Looking to the future with all of the exciting aforementioned shifts happening in the industry, the Ignite OPM team can’t wait to see what Q4 and 2019 have in store.

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