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Perform[cb] Adds Budget by Conversion Feature for Advertisers!

Budget by Conversion

At Clickbooth, we always aim to create ways for our clients to work smarter, not harder. With this goal in mind, our latest platform release feature lets advertisers determine the best way to manage their lead volume.  Budget by Conversion allows advertisers the flexibility to set up budgets based on the total number of leads or sales generated on their campaign, rather than a dollar amount.  This is especially beneficial for those with upsells.

Clickbooth’s EVP of Operations, Cara Redding, stated, “Clickbooth‘s budget by conversion release creates optimal offer set up for advertisers.  Within our Exchange, advertisers can now set budgets by the parameter that is most meaningful for their business.  While setting dollar budgets works for some advertisers, we listened when other advertisers noted that their preference is to set budgets by conversions.  For example, consider a health advertiser who manages their business by determining how many spot 1 sales they would like to acquire each week.  Unlike before, he can now dial in the exact number of desirable spot 1 sales without needing to estimate the corresponding number of upsells.”

Budget by Conversion Benefits:  

  • Set budget based on number of leads rather than dollar amount

  • Ease of setting budget based on product availability

  • Removes timely calculations to convert product amount into a dollar budget

How to use Budget by Conversion:

To set up a budget by conversion when creating a new offer you will want to focus on the Budget section.

Begin by selecting the frequency of your budget.

Once selected you will see the default method is to set your budget by dollar amount.  To switch to by conversion, simply click the US $ and select Conversions from the drop down.

Now you will be able to set the budget by conversion and can enter the number of conversions to be completed. You can easily switch the budget method for an existing offer by clicking on the Settings Wheel for the offer and select ‘Edit’. Here you can scroll down to the Budget section and select the preferred budget type and enter the amount in either dollars or by conversion. Be sure to click save when you are finished.

If you’re an advertiser already tapping into traffic on the exchange and want to switch to budget by conversion,  log in now!

If you’re currently not working with the #1 CPA Network in the World, sign up now!

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