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Perform[cb] Goes Back to School

Clickbooth is once again teaming up with Girls Inc. of Sarasota, a national non-profit youth organization that emphasizes empowering girls of all ages to be strong, smart and bold throughout their life. With summer coming to an end, many families are starting to rush around in order to collect much-needed school supplies for their children. Every year, supply lists not only get lengthier but more expensive too, leaving it very challenging for families to afford all the required supplies.

The Clickbooth Team has tapped into their “inner eager student” mindset. Children are our future, so the CB Team is always looking for opportunities to “Think Bigger” than ourselves and support local families and their children.

We’ve set up a donation box located in the office in order to collect items so if you’re in the area and would like to contribute, you can see the Girls Inc. wish list below. Drop off hours are from 10 am to 4 pm at 5911 N Honore Ave, Suite 114. Girls Inc. of Sarasota will be coming to pick up the donated supplies on July 31st in order to have a substantial amount of time to distribute supplies amongst the families in need.

Want to donate but not local? Visit here to make a donation online.

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