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MAU [Connect] 2021 Virtual Event Recap

Mobile Apps Unlocked held its first-ever virtual MAU [Connect] Summit earlier this month. This highly targeted, invitation-only event is dedicated to creating meaningful connections and was the perfect setting for the Perform[cb] team to better understand how we could assist marketers in reaching their mobile marketing goals. Common goals for marketers attending this event were finding new ways to increase customer acquisition, building stronger brand awareness, broadening their audiences, increasing conversion rates, and developing effective targeting strategies. MAU’s team took an effective match-making approach to pair mobile marketers with the companies that are best positioned to help support their goals.

New years bring new challenges for mobile marketers:

Over the course of the event, our team noted that adapting to iOS 14.5, navigating IDFA changes, and developing an effective mobile marketing strategy were consistently among the top challenges for mobile marketers. 

Adapting to iOS 14.5 

Many attendees showed a renewed interest in driving conversions through mobile web, even more so than in-app, due to tracking difficulty brought on by iOS 14.5. Having just gone live mid-April, it’s too early to forecast what the iOS 14.5 changes will mean long-term, but working with a network like Perform[cb] can help marketers navigate the continual shifts in the mobile landscape. Perform[cb] spent months preparing for the iOS 14.5 launch to ensure campaigns run smoothly and are effective. Want to double-check that your mobile app is prepared and in the best position possible to ensure a flawless transition?  It’s never too late to check out our iOS 14.5 launch checklist.

Navigating a post-IDFA world 

Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) is a unique identifier for a user’s mobile device that advertisers commonly use to track actions across the advertisement chain. As part of the iOS 14.5 update, iPhone users will now have the ability to disable the IDFA identifier at the app level. While the advertising industry is still in the initial stages of experimenting with post-IDFA user acquisition and understanding the tracking intricacies that go along with it, our team was able to share some early learnings with marketers at MAU [Connect] such as that the opt-in rate among iOS users has been as just 4.2% since the release of iOS 14.5. While that percentage may seem discouraging, focusing on alternative methods for delivering targeted advertising will be key for mobile marketers’ success; a few of these alternative methods include focusing more heavily on creative development, and understanding app attribution.

Developing an effective mobile marketing strategy

Many marketers we met with at MAU [Connect] were challenged with developing and executing a cohesive marketing strategy. Without a solid strategy in place, mobile marketers will not be able to fully achieve their user acquisition goals and post-install KPIs. Our team was excited to explore new distribution options and provide solutions to help marketers effectively leverage tactics such as retargeting and developing strategic relationships. Starting with campaign strategizing and set-up, Perform[cb] emphasizes the critical nature of a solid foundation and competitive analysis to understand business’s short and long-term goals before optimizing and executing. Check out our recent case study about a car insurance app that ranked #1 in the app store after the marketer was willing to try a variety of strategies to drastically increase installs month-over-month.

To wrap things up: 

Although 2021 has brought new challenges for mobile marketers, the growth opportunities certainly outweigh the challenges, as mobile apps are continuously rising in popularity. Consumer behavior shifts due to the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a 25% increase in spending across iOS and Google Play, and there is every indication that this trend will continue into 2021 and beyond. With over 20+ years of industry experience, our team of mobile marketing experts is here to help you create the strongest user acquisition strategy for your app’s needs. Reach out now to get started with the Perform[cb] Network!

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