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Posts Tagged "offer rotation"

New How To Videos for Offer Rotation!

Posted By Perform[cb] on Apr 3 2017
At Clickbooth, our vision is to empower our affiliates to scale their ROIs, using our one-of-a-kind technology to deliver increased EPCs and eCPMs. Since we’ve moved our business from Cake to our own CB Performance Exchange, a top request among affiliates has been the ability to rely on us to update product images and offer names on their landing pages.

LP Offer Rotation: Perform[cb]’s Latest Innovation to Increase Affiliates’ Return

Posted By Perform[cb] on Aug 1 2016
At Clickbooth, our vision is to empower our affiliates to scale their ROIs, using our one-of-a-kind technology to deliver increased EPCs and eCPMs. Since we’ve moved our business from Cake to our own CB Performance Exchange, a top request among affiliates has been the ability to rely on us to update product images and offer names on their landing pages.