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Publisher Prep: 5 Keys to Successful Promotion Planning
- Perform[cb]

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Q1 has huge seasonality for many brands. These brands usually start coordinating their promotions with publishers at least 5-6 weeks in advance. This means publishers need to be prepared for a quick turnaround after Q4. Perform[cb] has compiled a checklist of our five most important publisher to-dos to ensure you’re ready for the Q1 holidays and successful promotion planning.
Reach Out to All Current Advertiser Partners About Holiday Promotions
By reaching out to advertisers in your network, you’re able to identify any and all promotions advertisers are offering for holidays. This is also the time to ask for any creative or copy assets publishers may need from advertisers in order to run the promotions.
Identify the Best Promotions for Your Audience
It’s crucial to ensure the promotions you’re agreeing to run align with your audience. By aligning the brand with your audience, you’re usually guaranteed the promotion’s success. This ultimately means conversion rates should increase and so will your wallet.
Confirm Commission Rates and Any Special Terms
This is simple. Commission rates need to be mutually understood and agreed upon. Additionally, any special payout terms the advertiser may have pushed to you have been accepted.
Notify Advertisers of Additional Opportunities
In addition to running advertiser’s promotions, it’s beneficial for successful promotion planning to offer additional opportunities such as gift guide or newsletter placements. This way both the advertiser and publisher are getting the most out of the holiday placements. Typically, these conversations happen over the phone so you’re able to customize how you can help the advertiser scale their traffic and reach their KPIs during the holiday season.
Confirm All Start and End Dates for Promotions and Commission Changes
The final piece to the puzzle is solidifying the details. Confirming all start and end dates for promotions and commissions changes is a major key. Publishers need to test all unique links provided by the advertiser to ensure in before the promotion launches.
These tips are useful for all holidays and non-holiday seasonality year-round – in Q1 this can include Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, and Spring Break. Reach out now to Perform[cb] to see which of our clients are running holidays promotions now.