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#1 Keyword ranking in App Store

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72% Improvement in overall app ranking

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45% Lift in organic traffic


A well-known social casino gaming app came to Perform[cb] looking to promote one of their apps using a keyword campaign.


Perform[cb] recommended adding more keywords to their campaign, focusing on two keywords – “Casino Games” and “Casino Games for Free” – that had the most potential to rank in the top five positions. Perform[cb] used incentivized traffic for three-day burst campaigns with maintenance campaigns to follow. These campaigns took the link and redirected users to the search page. In doing so, this incentivized the search action of keywords from users.


The keywords “Casino Games” and “Casino Games for Free”, initially ranked #71 and #31, reached and held the #1 spots. Although not a direct objective, this strategy resulted in a 72% improvement in the app’s ranking as it rose to the 25th-ranked app overall in its category from #88.