A new wellness brand specializing in massage therapy tools, Lyric, came to Perform[cb] looking to launch an affiliate program just before the pivotal holiday season with the goals of driving growth and reaching new audiences.
In order for this new brand to brea the noise inkthrough the busy wellness vertical, the Agency team built a strategy for Lyric that prioritized securing content placements with high-quality publishers whose audiences aligned with Lyric’s target audience. With major shopping holidays on the horizon, time was of the essence, so the Agency team quickly began recruiting and onboarding top partners across a variety of publications. Additionally, samples and vanity codes were distributed to publishers to increase brand awareness and reach just in time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
In the first three months after launch, Perform[cb] was able to significantly scale Lyric’s affiliate program by targeting productive partners pre-launch and, ultimately, securing 18 content placements with notable publications including Thrillist, Wired, and POPSUGAR. The brand saw a 258% increase in revenue and a 159% increase in ROAS month-over-month post-launch, and the Agency team continues to scale its affiliate program, providing the brand with revenue growth and maximum reach.