
Analysis Icon 125px by 125px

2% Increase in Clicks on New Creative

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0.01% Increase in Click-Through Rate on New Creative

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0.01% Increase in Click-to-Install Rate on New Creative


Redfin came to Perform[cb] looking to increase user acquisition by A/B testing different messaging and a call to action between a set of old creatives with new creatives designed by their team.


Perform[cb] ran an in-house programmatic campaign with our internal media team. The team tested the two different sets of creatives against each other using the same targeting parameters and bidding methods to give them an even chance at performance. Redfin was provided weekly reporting analyzing performance based on impressions, clicks, and installs for various geo-targets.


By testing the new creative, Redfin saw a 2% increase in clicks overall and 0.01% increase in click-through rate. Redfin decided to move forward using the new creative. Mobile user acquisition campaigns had a 0.01% increase in click-to-install rate once the new creative was implemented by all partners.