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#1 Offer Spot in Dating Vertical for Five Consecutive Months

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$250k Revenue Generated in First Few Months of Launch

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125% Increase in Competitive Payouts to Scale Quality Traffic in First Few Months of Launch


A leading international dating marketer was looking to secure online dating registrations on a device segmented setup with Perform[cb]. Once users have registered within the dating website, the main focus of this campaign was to drive engagement on the backend in the form of purchasing spending credits and additional credit bundles. In an effort to hit KPIs in a competitive market, Perform[cb] knew it would be crucial to focus efforts around top affiliate partners with high quality traffic.


Perform[cb] began this campaign by strategically implementing demographic targeting and device segmentation, with a strong focus on display offers across iOS and desktop. Historically, traffic for those devices tends to costs more, but typically will yield higher results for the marketer. Custom landing pages were created and tailored to various demographics in order to uncover the ideal consumer sweet spot. In addition to running display, the Perform[cb] team was able to invest in email campaigns to drive massive scale, with consistent traffic at a higher volume. It was important to keep this traffic source current and fresh – new creative assets were implemented every few weeks, landing pages were split tested on the backend, and different age groups were evaluated on the pixel filter (ages 35+ vs ages 45+). The Perform[cb] team found that men ages 35+ were the target demographic, as these consumers were consistently hitting the marketer’s KPIs. 

Due to the competitive nature of the dating vertical, it was important that this marketer was strategic in their payouts, budgets, and quality of traffic. Competitive payout rates and a simplified affiliate approval process were enforced in order to get a faster taste of the traffic. Perform[cb] and the marketer were extremely strategic in the approach to right pricing partners by providing subID reporting frequently for optimizations, as well as multiple new landing pages available to meet any requests that may arise.


As a result of strategic device segmentation and device targeting, creating and testing custom landing pages, and investing in diverse digital channels, this dating marketer was able to exceed their campaign KPIs across iOS and desktop. With month-over-month growth for the entire quarter, Perform[cb] was able to achieve a $250k increase in revenue for the marketer and competitively increase payout rates by 125%. Just three months after the initial onboarding, this marketer’s email campaign held the top offer spot in the dating vertical for five consecutive months. Although the dating vertical can be highly competitive, Perform[cb] successfully optimized this marketer’s campaigns to ensure quality traffic was driven at massive scale.