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376% Increase in Revenue YoY

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158% Increase in Orders

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40 Partners Onboarded to Support Q4 Seasonality


This well-known fine jewelry marketer was looking for a new agency partner to manage their affiliate program. The brand came to  Perform[cb] Agency wanting to prepare for its Q4 seasonality by investing in content partnerships.


The Agency team began recruiting and onboarding targeted, niche partners to scale the marketer’s Q4 promotions and placements. This onboarding included 12 content partners to feature or include the marketer in articles, listicles, and more for the Q4 engagement season.


Under the Agency’s management, this marketer achieved a 376% increase in revenue year over year, in addition to a 158% increase in orders. Following a targeted recruitment effort, Perform[cb] Agency was able to onboard nearly 40 new partners, including 12 content partners, to maximize and capitalize on the client’s Q4 seasonality.