
Analysis Icon 125px by 125px

1,350% Increase in subscriptions

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95% Auto-renewal rate exceeded for the entirety of the campaign


A leading global device-to-cloud cybersecurity company was looking to widen their user base and increase subscription volume. The key metric they were looking to hit was a 95% auto-renewal rate following the first month of subscription.


To optimize this client’s user acquisition budget and expand its user base with scale, Perform[cb] employed a structured campaign that capitalized on exclusive traffic channels previously underutilized or completely unutilized by the client. This included push, display, native, and social sources. Perform[cb] also implemented a strategic Brand Assurance program to uphold and protect the client’s brand compliance regulations.


The client’s subscription volume increased by 1,350% over the first five months of the campaign. They also achieved their auto-renewal KPI and due to the campaign’s success, the client has consistently increased budget since.