
Analysis Icon 125px by 125px

386% Increase in Conversions QoQ

Goal Icon

17,000 Conversions Driven in One Month

Traffic Growth Icon 125px by 125px

13.22% Average Conversion Rate in Q4


A leading digital security marketer was looking to grow their new user base and increase subscription volume on a performance model. Having previously achieved success running push traffic with Perform[cb], this marketer wanted to expand and diversify its traffic channels. The Perform[cb] team suggested testing email in order to increase sales volume and acquire new high-quality customers. 


Perform[cb] advised this marketer to revise their creative assets and messaging to optimize their promotional strategy and increase conversion rates. The team introduced sourced and traditional emails to the marketer’s existing traffic channels, using the updated assets to create these campaigns. To test the conversion success of the new creative and messaging, Perform[cb] onboarded trusted affiliate partners with proven experience in scaling email campaigns to ensure the highest quality traffic possible. By maintaining transparency and an open line of communication about sales data, this marketer’s email campaigns continue to drive incremental growth in sales volume and new customer acquisition. 


By utilizing the marketer’s updated creative assets, Perform[cb] was able to drive massive growth in sales volume through email. Since this marketer began investing in email traffic, they have achieved a 386% increase in conversions QoQ. This success drove the marketer to see a 13.22% increase in average conversion rate in Q4 alone. This digital security marketer is excited about their email campaign success and plans to continue optimizing their customer acquisition strategy with Perform[cb]